Process Sensor GP-M100 Keyence
Process Sensor GP-M100 Keyence

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Keyence GP-M100








Process Sensor

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Specifications GP-M100

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Features GP-M100

Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 10 MPa
Model GP-M100
Rated pressure 0 to +10 MPa (0 to +100 bar)
Possible display range -1.00 to +11.00 MPa (-10.0 to +110.0 bar)
Zero-cut pressure value ±0.5% of F.S.
Burst pressure 100 MPa (1000 bar)
Display resolution 0.01 MPa (0.1 bar)
Fluid type Liquid that will not corrode the liquid contact part
Type of pressure Gage pressure
Precision ±1.0% of F.S. or less*1
Repeatability ±0.3% of F.S. or less*2
Temperature characteristics ±0.6% of F.S./10°C
Connection diameter G3/4 (Changes to the R male 1/8, R male 1/4, R male 3/8, G female 1/4, NPT male 1/8, and NPT male 1/4 option adapters are available.)
Box rotation angle Maximum 330°
Medium temperature -20 to +100°C (no freezing/condensation)*3
Power supply voltage 10-30 VDC, Ripple (P-P): 10% max, Class 2 or LPS
Current consumption 50 mA or less (when 24 V: 32 mA or less, when 12 V: 48 mA or less. Not including load)*4
Display method 4 column, digital LED, red/Vertical inversion display possible
Operation display light Operation indicator (output 1) (orange), Operation indicator (output 2) (orange)
Hysteresis During hysteresis mode: variable (Difference between switch-on point and switch-off point is hysteresis) During window mode: fixed (0.5% of F.S.)
Response Control output Selectable from 3 to 5000 ms
Analogue output As above + 2 ms (90% response)
Output Output 1 control output NPN/PNP open collector (Selectable), Max. 250 mA (30 V max) Main unit residual voltage 1 V max, N.O./N.C. selectable
Output 2 replacement type Control output
Analogue output 4-20 mA, maximum load resistance 500 ? (When the electric voltage is more than 20 V)*5
Environmental resistance Enclosure rating IP67
Pressure resistance 30 MPa (300 bar)
Ambient temperature -20 to +80 °C (No freezing and no condensation)
Relative humidity 35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance IEC60068-2-6 20 G (10 to 2000 Hz, 2 hours each in the X, Y, and Z axes)
Shock resistance IEC60068-2-27 50G (11 ms, 3 times for each of X, Y and Z direction)
Material properties Port/diaphragm Pressure port: SUSXM7, Diaphragm pressure port: Al2O3 (Alumina), O ring: FKM
Other parts Housing metal portion: SUS304, SUS303, Housing plastic portion: PPSU
Applicable cable M12 connector 4 pin
Weight Approx. 150 g
*1 This is the value when considering linearity + hysterisis + repeatability in a stable environment of 23°C. *2 The repeatability, based on consistent conditions, is the difference in the detection points at the time of fluctuations in the repetition. *3 When the temperature of the piping exceeds 80°C, do not connect the cable. *4 Consumption current including output is 0.6 A and under. *5 The maximum load resistance R will be the values below in response to the electric voltage E. When 10-23V: R = {38 x (E-10) + 128} ? When 23-30V: R = 622 ?