Mounting bracket CA-LM4 Keyence
Mounting bracket CA-LM4 Keyence

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Keyence CA-LM4








Mounting bracket

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On request

Price: On request


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Specifications CA-LM4

Contact us to get a great deal on Keyence . We supply only new goods Keyence directly from the manufacturer, therefore we can offer beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified products and gives an official guarantee from the manufacturer Keyence.

Our employees speak your language. In a short time they will find for you Keyence at an attractive price, will select any for you spare parts and accessories for Keyence , will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Well-functioning logistics system allows us to deliver goods to any city in South Africa or any other destination point in the world that you will choose in a short time . If you become our constant client, you will get even more attractive terms of delivery.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over ten years, supplying goods to over 18500 clients worldwide. The list of our clients includes over 2400 large companies with world names.

If extra information is needed please contact us, let us know what you exactly want, or send description to our E-mail.

Features CA-LM4

Model CA-LM4*1
Type Standard
Optical magnification (reference magnification) x4
Magnification range Approx. ±5 % relative to reference axis
WD (at reference magnification) 70.3 mm*2
Compatible image/CCD size 1/2'
Field of view (at reference magnification) 1/3' 0.9 x 1.2 mm
1/2' 1.2 x 1.6 mm
2/3' -
F-stop range (aperture) 26.5
Depth of field 172 µm*3
Max. TV distortion -0.22 %
Resolution 4.5 µm*4
Mount C-mount
Ambient temperature/humidity range 0 to +50 °C, 80 % RH (No condensation)
Weight Approx. 58 g
*1 The above values are all calculated according to optical design values. Actual values for individual lenses will differ according to precision of assembly. *2 Working distance indicates a working distance of each lens at reference magnification. Working distance will vary depending on magnification adjustment. (Excluding CA-LM1/LMA1) *3 The indicated depth of field is a theoretical value that assumes 1/2' or 2/3' Image/CCD size and a horizontal resolution of 320 TV lines. (Circle of least confusion is 40 µm in the image) *4 The smallest resolvable feature able to be detected under 550 nm wavelength light.