Mounting bracket IL-1550 Keyence
Mounting bracket IL-1550 Keyence

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Keyence IL-1550








Mounting bracket

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On request

Price: On request


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Specifications IL-1550

Call us to get a great deal on Keyence . We supply only new machine-tools Keyence directly from the fabricator, therefore we can offer beneficial price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified industrial equipment and gives an official guarantee from the fabricator Keyence.

Our highly-qualified workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you Keyence at an attractive price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for Keyence , will recommend counterparts and agree delivery time to the doors of your company.

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Our enterprise has been working in South Africa for over eight years, supplying machine-tools to over 18500 clients all over the earth. Among our clients are over 2600 famous corporations with world names.

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Features IL-1550

Amplifier unit, Panel mount type
Model IL-1550
Type Panel mount
Main unit/Expansion unit Expansion unit
Head compatibility Compatible
Display Minimum displayable unit IL-S025/IL-030: 1 µm, IL-S065/IL-065/IL-100: 2 µm, IL-300: 10 µm, IL-600: 50 µm
Display range IL-S025/IL-030/IL-S065/IL-065/IL-100: ±99.999 mm to ±99 mm (4 levels selectable), IL-300/IL-600: ±999.99 mm to ±999 mm (3 levels selectable)
Display rate Approx. 10 times/sec.
Analogue voltage output None
Analogue current output
Control input Bank switch input Non-voltage input*1
Zero-shift input
Stop emission input
Timing input
Reset input
Control output Judgment output Open collector output (NPN, PNP changeover possible/N.O., N.C. changeover possible)*2
Alarm output Open collector output (NPN, PNP changeover possible/N.C.)*2
Current Power voltage Supplied by main unit*3
Power consumption 2200 mW or less (at 30 V: 74 mA or less)
Environmental resistance Pollution degree 2
Ambient temperature -10 to +50 °C (No condensation or freezing)
Relative humidity 35 to 85 % RH (No condensation)
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, Double amplitude 1.5 mm, 2 hours in each of the X, Y, and Z directions
Material Case / Front sheet: Polycarbonate, Key tops: Polyacetel, Cable: PVC
Weight Approx. 160 g (including attachments)
*1 Assign an input of your choice to the 4 external input lines before using. *2 The NPN open collector rated output is: 50 mA max./ch (20 mA when adding an expansion unit) less than 30 V, residual voltage less than 1 V (less than 1.5 V when adding over 6 units including the main unit) The PNP open collector rated output is: 50 mA max./ch (20 mA/ch when adding expansion units), less than power voltage, and less than 2 V residual voltage (less than 2.5 V when adding over 6 units including the main unit) *3 If there are over 6 additional expansion units, please use a power voltage of 20 to 30 V.