GEFRAN 10134
  GEFRAN 10134

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GEFRAN 10134





Part number



40A48-96 Indicator/Alarm Unit for tension and current inputs

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On request

Price: On request


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Specifications 10134

Call us to get a great deal on GEFRAN 40A48-96 Indicator/Alarm Unit for tension and current inputs 10134. We supply only new machine-tools GEFRAN directly from the producer, therefore we can offer the most attractive price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified industrial equipment and gives an official guarantee from the fabricator GEFRAN.

Our employees speak your language. In a short time they will find for you GEFRAN 40A48-96 Indicator/Alarm Unit for tension and current inputs at a competitive price, advise you on the necessary spare parts and accessories for GEFRAN 40A48-96 Indicator/Alarm Unit for tension and current inputs 10134, will recommend counterparts and agree delivery time to the doors of your company.

Impressive shipping system allows us to send machine-tools to any city in South Africa or of the world or anywhere you want us to deliver it in a short time . If you become our constant customer, you will get special, even more attractive terms of cooperation.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over nine years, supplying machine-tools to over 18000 clients all over the earth. Our clients are over 2600 large companies with world names.

If extra information is needed please contact us, send your request to our E-mail.

Features 10134

Microprocessor based indicator in both 48x48 (1/16 DIN) and 96x48 (1/8 DIN) formats manifactured with SMT. The instruments have a lexan membrane faceplate (guaranteed to IP65) which has 3 keys, a 3 digit display for the 48x48 format and a 3 / 4 digit display for the 96x48 format, and 3 indicating LED's for the output statuses. The input signal section provides for the visualisation of the sinusoidal effective value corresponding to following signals: AC voltage: 0 to 2, 0 to 20, 0 to 200 and 0 to 500Vac AC current: 0 to 20, 0 to 50, 0 to 200mAac 0 to 1, 0 to 5Aac The selection is made using the faceplate keys and correct input terminals. No external shunt or adapter is required. A digital input (24Vdc/4mA) is available for resetting, hold, flash, peak handling or releasing latch. The instruments have a maximum of 3 outputs that can be mechanical relays (5A/250V) or logic outputs (0 to 11Vdc). One output of 4 to 20mA (max. 150W) is available for retransmitting the measured input signal. The retransmission output, the digital input and the third output are alternatives in the 48x48 format, all these options are available contemporaneously in the 96x48 format. Finally, a triac can be fitted (as an alternative to the other two relay outputs) to drive resistive loads up to a maximum of 2,5A at 220V. The programming of the instrument is made easy by grouping the parameters in function blocks (CFG for the alarm hysteresis, Inp for the inputs, Out for the outputs...) and by a simplified data entry menu. The configuration can be simplified even further using the PC programming kit made up of a connection cable and a menu guide program that runs under Windows (see data sheet cod. 80021). A configurable personal software protection code (password protection) can be used to restrict the levels of editing and displaying the configuration parameters.
  • AC voltage, AC current direct input on instrument terminals
  • Protected code configurable from keypad
  • 4 to 20mA retransmitted output
  • Up to 3 relay outputs
  • Configurable by serial link
  • Labels to customize measured physical unit