Счетчик U400 Baumer
Счетчик U400 Baumer

We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the Baumer brand in South Africa. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Baumer U400









Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
fedex dhl ups
Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications U400

Call us to get a great deal on Baumer . We supply only new equipment Baumer directly from the manufacturer, therefore we can offer the most advantageous cost and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified products and gives an official guarantee from the manufacturer Baumer.

Our highly-qualified workers speak your language. In a short time they will find for you Baumer at the best price, will select any for you spare parts and accessories for Baumer , will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Great shipping geography allows us to ship equipment to any city in South Africa or any other destination point in the world that you will choose in a short time . If you become our constant client, you will get special, even more attractive terms of cooperation.

Our enterprise has been working in South Africa for over nine years, supplying equipment to over 18000 clients all over the earth. The list of our clients includes over 2400 famous corporations with world names.

For terms of cooperation please contact us, fill in the form on our website.

Features U400

Механический счетчик ходов (возвратно-поступательных движений) Н400 с функцией сложения, счетчик числа оборотов U400 и U401, счетчик длины М400 с функциями сложения и вычитания. Установка ноля поворотным рычагом. При заказе обращать внимание на направление вращения оси счетчика.
Технические данные — механические параметры<\th> <\tr>
Function<\td> Revolution counter<\td> <\tr>
Display<\td> White numbers on black<\td> <\tr>
Number of digits<\td> 7-digits<\td> <\tr>
Digit height<\td> 7 mm<\td> <\tr>
Zero setting<\td> Key reset by detachable key either at left or right shaft.<\td> <\tr>
Count mode<\td> Adding in a rotational direction to be indicated, subtracting in reverse direction or always adding. 1 rev. = 1 count<\td> <\tr>
Drive shaft<\td> Both sides, 7 mm<\td> <\tr>
Operating speed<\td> 1000 rpm<\td> <\tr>
Measuring range<\td> 9 999 999<\td> <\tr>
Ambient temperature<\td> 0…+60 °C<\td> <\tr>
Housing type<\td> Surface mount housing with mounting plate<\td> <\tr>
Housing colour<\td> Grey<\td> <\tr>
Dimensions W x H x L<\td> 106 x 64 x 45 mm<\td> <\tr>
Dimensions mounting plate<\td> 120 x 64 mm<\td> <\tr>
Mounting<\td> Base plate, 4 long mounting holes<\td> <\tr>
Weight approx.<\td> 350 g<\td> <\tr>
Materials<\td> Housing: Hostaform POM, grey Base blate: steel zinc-coated<\td> <\tr> <\tbody> <\table> Популярный модельный ряд H 400 \ M 400 \ U 400 \ U 401
H 400.010A02A<\td> H 400.010A02B<\td> H 400.010A08B<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> <\tr>
M 400.010A03C<\td> M 400.010A03D<\td> M 400.010B03C<\td> M 400.010B03D<\td> M 400.020A02D<\td> M 400.020A03C<\td> M 400.020A03D<\td> <\tr>
M 400.020B03C<\td> M 400.020B03D<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> <\tr>
U 400.010A01A<\td> U 400.010A02C<\td> U 400.010A02D<\td> U 400.010A05D<\td> U 400.020A02C<\td> U 400.020A02D<\td> U 400.020A05C<\td> <\tr>
U 400.020A05D<\td> U 400.020B05F<\td> U 400.030B05K<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> <\tr>
U 401.010A01A<\td> U 401.010A01B<\td> U 401.020A01A<\td> U 401.020A01B<\td> U 401.030A01E<\td> U 401.030A01G<\td> U 401.030A02E<\td> <\tr>
U 401.030A02F<\td> U 401.030A02G<\td> U 401.030A02H<\td> U 401.030A02M<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> <\tr> <\tbody> <\table>