Счетчик ME102 Baumer
Счетчик ME102 Baumer

We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the Baumer brand in South Africa. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Baumer ME102









Stock availability:

On request

Price: On request


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Worldwide delivery services:
fedex dhl ups
Ways of payment:
wire transfer paypal

Specifications ME102

Contact us to get a great deal on Baumer . We supply only new goods Baumer directly from the manufacturer, therefore we can offer the most attractive price and a quality guarantee. FAMAGA sells only certified products and gives an official guarantee from the manufacturer Baumer.

Our employees speak your language. In a short time they will find for you Baumer at a competitive price, will select any for you spare parts and accessories for Baumer , will recommend counterparts and agree delivery timings to the doors of your company.

Well-functioning logistics system allows us to deliver goods to any city in South Africa or any other destination point in the world that you will choose in a short time . If you become our constant client, you will get even more attractive terms of delivery.

Our company has been working in South Africa for over ten years, supplying goods to over 19000 clients worldwide. The list of our clients includes over 2400 large companies with world names.

If extra information is needed please contact us, E-mail us vendor code or description of needed goods.

Features ME102

Механический вычитающий высокоскоростной счетчик с одной предустановкой. Счетчик длины предназначен для работы с мерным колесом. Счетчики имеют выходной переключающийся контакт, срабатывание которого сигнализирует о достижении предустановленного значения длины или числа оборотов. Подшипниковая ось. Особенно тихий ход. Предустановка посредством четырех кнопок. Компактная форма. ME 102 счетчик метров. UE 102 счетчик числа оборотов. При заказе обращать внимание на направление вращения оси счетчика.
Технические данные — электрические параметры<\th> <\tr>
Preset<\td> 1 preset<\td> <\tr>
Preset setting<\td> Press reset button and hold. Enter desired value in any order. Release reset button.<\td> <\tr>
Trigger \ end contact<\td> At 0000: As momentary contact: Contact duration dependent on speed e.g. 100 ms, at 10000 rpm and 50 revolutions = 1 digit At 9999: As permanent contact, contact remains until reset. If no reset takes place, the contact switches back at 8999.<\td> <\tr>
Trigger \ precontact<\td> Preset number as momentary contact. End contact as permanent contact<\td> <\tr>
Output contact<\td> Change-over contact<\td> <\tr>
Switching voltage<\td> 230 VAC \ VDC<\td> <\tr>
Switching current<\td> 2 A<\td> <\tr>
Switching capacity<\td> 100 VA \ 30 W<\td> <\tr>
Spark extinguisher<\td> Recommended for inductive load<\td> <\tr>
Технические данные — механические параметры<\th> <\tr>
Function<\td> Meter counter with preset<\td> <\tr>
Display<\td> White numbers on black Decimal digits in red<\td> <\tr>
Number of digits<\td> 4-digits<\td> <\tr>
Digit height<\td> 5.5 mm<\td> <\tr>
Count mode<\td> Subtracting in a rotational direction to be indicated, adding in reverse direction<\td> <\tr>
Drive shaft<\td> Both sides, 4 mm<\td> <\tr>
Reset<\td> Manual by button to preset<\td> <\tr>
Operating torque<\td> 0.8 Nm (with 1 rev. = 1 count) 0.4 Nm (with 50 rev. = 1 count)<\td> <\tr>
Measuring speed<\td> 5 revs. = 1 digit = 5 revs. = 10 di. =<\td> <\tr>
Measuring accuracy<\td> 1 m, 1 dm, 1 cm<\td> <\tr>
Measuring range<\td> See part number<\td> <\tr>
Ambient temperature<\td> 0…+60 °C<\td> <\tr>
Housing type<\td> Surface mount housing<\td> <\tr>
Housing colour<\td> Grey<\td> <\tr>
Dimensions W x H x L<\td> 60 x 62 x 68.5 mm<\td> <\tr>
Dimensions mounting plate<\td> 60 x 62 mm<\td> <\tr>
Mounting<\td> Surface mount housing<\td> <\tr>
Weight approx.<\td> 350 g<\td> <\tr>
Material<\td> Housing: Hostaform POM, grey<\td> <\tr>
Connection<\td> Cable 0.3 m, 3-pin<\td> <\tr> <\tbody> <\table> Популярный модельный ряд ME 102 \ UE 102
ME102.010A03C<\td> ME102.010A04C<\td> ME102.010A09B<\td> ME102.010A10B<\td> ME102.010A15A<\td> ME102.010A15B<\td> ME102.010A16A<\td> <\tr>
ME102.010A21A<\td> ME102.010A22A<\td> ME102.010A23A<\td> ME102.010A47A<\td> ME102.010A73A<\td> ME102.010A81A<\td> ME102.010C21A<\td> <\tr>
ME102.010C22A<\td> ME102.010V04C<\td> ME102.010W16A<\td> ME102.01ET25A<\td> ME102.020A03F<\td> ME102.020A04D<\td> ME102.020A04F<\td> <\tr>
ME102.020A09E<\td> ME102.020A10D<\td> ME102.020A10E<\td> ME102.020A14D<\td> ME102.020A15D<\td> ME102.020A15E<\td> ME102.020A16D<\td> <\tr>
ME102.020A21D<\td> ME102.020A22D<\td> ME102.020A80F<\td> ME102.020C21D<\td> ME102.020V03F<\td> ME102.020V04D<\td> ME102.020V04F<\td> <\tr>
ME102.020V15D<\td> ME102.020V16D<\td> ME102.020Z04D<\td> ME102.030B03I<\td> ME102.030B04G<\td> ME102.030B09H<\td> ME102.030B10H<\td> <\tr>
ME102.030B15G<\td> ME102.030B16G<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> <\tr>
UE102.010A06A<\td> UE102.010A11A<\td> UE102.010A12A<\td> UE102.020A11D<\td> UE102.020A12D<\td> UE102.020C12D<\td> UE102.020F34D<\td> <\tr>
UE102.020F83D<\td> UE102.030E07G<\td> UE102.030E11G<\td> UE102.030E12G<\td> UE102.030E60G<\td> UE102.030E81G<\td> UE102.030E82G<\td> <\tr>
UE102.060E85G<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> —<\td> <\tr> <\tbody> <\table>